Campus to Career Consultant




Meghan Renehan Carson

After working in Admissions throughout college, Meghan began her professional career in Fixed Income Sales at Nomura Securities. Two years later, she returned to her Admissions roots and joined the Campus Recruiting team within HR. From Nomura, Meghan moved to Lazard Capital Markets followed by Deutsche Bank, where she recruited for the Investment Banking, Sales & Trading, Research, Risk, and Technology divisions. Responsible for sourcing the best and brightest college students to fill the exact seat she had previously occupied, Meghan realized she had a unique perspective. She saw there was a very real discrepancy between what candidates thought was required of them as applicants and what the employers were actually looking for. Over and over again, smart students made small, easily avoidable errors throughout the recruiting process that ultimately cost them the job. She knew there was a need for guidance, and hoped someday she could help students navigate this stressful process. In August of 2019 she started Get a Job Kid to do just that.



Cum Laude — Double Major 2009